Another painful night for Arsenal fans but it may turn out to be to our advantage

After another disappointing night we can surely use this to our advantage this time! With our current schedule we don’t have much time to rest and reflect and in my opinion that is the best thing for us.

But what I do want to know my fellow Gooners is would you rather have gone out now and focus more on the League or would you have rather gone through to the semi-final and potentially final and lost there while being so near and yet so far to the trophy?

I know us fans want to win it all, but given the choice what would you prefer?

I know a lot of us fans want to go all the way and lift the trophies however, with this current Arsenal team and with the current teams that are left in the Champions League and as nice as it would have been to go all the way – call it lack of faith or call it negativity or call it reality – I don’t think we would have won it.

It may hurt now but I’d rather be out now then trudging all the way through and wasting that energy, to then get hold of some Champions League Final tickets at Wembley only to watch us lose at the most important moment in the finale, which would cause an even bigger heartbreak!

And based on the performance, well the second half performance, we did not deserve the win against Bayern!

Now heartbreak is part of football and we all know how we felt after that 2006 final, it’s nearly 20 years ago and that still hurts me, and it’s one year on from us bottling the league last year. That is still fresh and still hurts so we never get over heartbreak as such, but I don’t want to be adding to it. Put it this way I’m not ready for anymore.

But there is no denying this team is improving and we can be proud of our Champions League run and that night at the Emirates under the lights against Porto will go down as one of my many favourite Champions League nights, just because of the way we deservedly won the game. We can also be proud of the draw at the Emirates against Bayern Munich and yes we have gone on to rue the chances we had in the first leg but this is football and this time around it just wasn’t meant to be.

Now we have the perfect opportunity to bounce back, shut the critics up and go about our game to get that little bit closer to the thing we all really want this season, the Premier League title!

Onwards and upwards we go!