Arsenal Fans Must Demand More and Stop Glorifying Failure

Arsenal possesses a squad capable of winning the league, yet the coach fails to fully utilize the entire set of players. We have squandered opportunities in the last two seasons when the league title was within reach. A team’s failure to reach its full potential often stems from the coach’s decisions. In my opinion, the opposition has been subpar over the past three seasons, with traditionally strong teams underperforming. Outside of Arsenal, Liverpool, City, and Villa, it’s challenging to find outstanding coaches and players.

Kieran Tierney is our best left-back since Monreal, but Arteta inexplicably overlooks him. His replacement falls far short of being a competent defender. Our defense could have been stronger had we employed a proper left-back. Zinchenko is not adequate for the left-back position and cannot dislodge anyone from our midfield. He is only suitable as a squad player.

This past season, we witnessed several players losing form and confidence due to prolonged periods on the bench. As long as the coach doesn’t utilize his whole squad, we won’t achieve significant success. Sometimes, it’s best to use a player in their natural position and replace them directly in case of injury or suspension without unnecessary adjustments to a winning setup. Against Villa, Arteta used Havertz in midfield instead of deploying Elneny as a defensive midfielder, leaving Havertz to continue excelling in his usual role.

It will be unfortunate if this team continues to experience disappointing seasons. The fact is, the team Arteta inherited from Emery won the FA Cup with players who are often mocked by fans, such as Rob Holding, who boasts FA Cup medals. A team is judged by the competitions it wins, and our track record has been poor. In football, there is no joy in being a runner-up. Man Utd has added to their FA Cup tally, while we have not won any cups since the COVID-affected season when we clinched the FA Cup. Every season, we compete in four cups and fail to secure any victories. We must stop glorifying failure. The team needs to win trophies, and if the coach continually fails to do so, he must go, despite being fully supported by the owners.

Players like ESR, Nelson, Vieira, and Nketiah should be getting a significant number of games to help the team. Why does the coach renew contracts and sign players if he only intends to use certain individuals, even when they are tired or out of form? Arsenal fans must demand better and refuse to settle for anything less than success.



  1. While I think the use of the word “failure” is inappropriate, I can sympathise with your obvious frustrations at being the best of the rest behind City.As you say winning trophies is important to fans, and our record in Cup competitions has been decidedly disappointing of late.

    1. I somewhat agree and see where you are coming from. People praise Arteta for the job he has done and to some extent rightly so. But, the investment in this team has been unprecedented under Arteta. He has been given everything he wanted. Given licence to give away players for free, and run the club his way. With the money being spent, it is now upto the manager, in our case Arteta, to put his input in to win trophies. So far that has not happened. Would another manager (say Anceloti) have won us the league or CL by now? Or would another manager have us mid table (like Tuchel at Chelsea) where Arteta has us somewhere in between. Not mid table but not looking like winning trophies. And no we should not praise failure but ask questions why.

  2. ESR fully fit, was picked. Unfortunately, with the delay in being so, others took their chances. The others mentioned in the final paragraph are not at the level required imo.

    Arteta has been heavily backed. I am not sure an ambitious club can get to the pinnacle and stay there without that injection. City have had the benefit of being able to spend freely in the past and build up a head of steam, with a truly remarkable manager at the helm. Chelsea have made masses of wrong decisions since the reign of Abramovitch because despite the money, they have appeared absolutely clueless.

    ManU won the FA Cup and the City dominance has taken a hit this season in Europe and with Arsenal taking them to the last game of the season.

    Trophies are very important to the morale of the club and the supporters and Arteta has now been at the helm long enough to become established as a manager and for the team to follow suit. I do expect more from next season

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