Arsene Wenger explains his current relationship with Mikel Arteta

Arsène Wenger remains one of the most significant figures in Arsenal’s modern history.

The Frenchman left the Emirates in 2018, and the Gunners have yet to win a Premier League title since his departure. Mikel Arteta, one of the players Wenger signed during his tenure, is now the club’s manager.

Wenger’s influence is deeply embedded in Arsenal’s recent history, and fans will always welcome him warmly when he visits. Currently, Wenger is busy with his role at FIFA, where he is responsible for developing the game.

Despite his demanding schedule, Wenger still makes time to watch Arsenal’s matches as he travels. As for his relationship with the club’s current manager, Arteta, Wenger has expressed admiration and support for his former player. The two share a respectful and positive relationship, with Wenger keeping a keen interest in Arteta’s progress and the team’s performance.

He said, as quoted by the Daily Mail:

 ‘I speak to Mikel sometimes. 

‘I believe in life, you have to do as well as you can and give it all when you are somewhere in a place and after, when it’s finished, take a distance and let other people move. 

‘And that’s what I do. And I think you want to leave the place well in a good position where you can do, continue to do well and do even better. And that’s all you can do.’

Just Arsenal Opinion

Wenger is a legendary figure for this club, and Arteta will surely need his input as his team makes progress.

The Spanish gaffer has used some of the lessons he learnt from Wenger to build the current team, and we expect the Frenchman to be open to helping him whenever he needs it.


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Tags Arsene Wenger Mikel Arteta


  1. Arsene is a legend at Arsenal….he assembled the Invincible Team but after that success he allowed all his key players to leave for a song…eg Henry Vieira Pires Bergkamp Lundberg. Perhaps Arsene believed that he created the Invincibles….and he could easily create another one. But no…after that ARSENAL’S success has been spotty at best. Arteta with Edu as his advisor knows that it’s the team that brings success so he focuses laser sharp in team dynamics…pay structure….team harmony…budget in buying players…selling players at the right moment at the right price…. training methods… building a young team…. motivation….desire etc. His man management is superior to Arsene’s and will ensure Arsenal’s success for many years to come.

    1. If his man management is superior how come he hasn’t done anything that Mr Wenger
      has ?

      I would argue Mr Wenger improved and developed more players who won things and Arteta fell out with more and had more bad transfers ?
      Man management probably Arteta weak point ?

      1. Wenger had the best defence this club has had in my lifetime to build upon, whereas the defence Mikel inherited was pony.

        1. Lehman, Lauren, Campbell, Kolo, Ashley.

          Were they sent from heaven for Mr Wenger to build on?

          Where did he inherit them from?

          1. Seaman, Dixon, Bould, Adams Winterburn, Keown.

            That was the best defence, as was proved by the amount of trophies they won.

              1. Well the ones you mentioned weren’t inherited. Ok they won 2 trophies, but the ones I mentioned won a lot more over their careers at The Arsenal.

                    1. Oh you mean all together as one ?
                      That’s your out

                      Campbell – 2 Prems, 3 F A Cups
                      Cole – 2 Prems 3 FA Cups
                      Lauren 2 Prem 3 FA Cups
                      Toure 1 Prem , 2 FA Cups

                      None inherited , so I get HH point

                    2. Yes, all together as a unit. It was 2. The PL in ’04 and the FA Cup the following year.

                      No out, just facts 😁

      1. I don’t see how that makes Arteta a better man manger or great at selling players for the right price and the right time

              1. Not really mate
                Astounded by lack of knowledge
                Do I have energy to point out that Arteta didn’t sign Smith Rowe , Wilock or Balogun lol.
                I could but at this point …..

                I will debate anyone using knowledge but anyone trying to say Arteta is better at man management then Mr Wenger or thinks that Turner is the same comparison as Henry has an agenda

                So I simply won’t react too lol

                1. Where did you post that players had to be like for like ? You just who Mikel had made a profit when selling a player

                  As for knowledge, you’re the one that reckons Wenger was sacked for not getting CL 😂

                  1. When did I ever write that
                    He wasn’t sacked
                    Mate I’m not engaging with you
                    I seriously think you have an agenda

                    To not know there was a drinking culture at the club and that Wenger extended the likes of Adams , Keowns.and Dixons careers

                    To then hear an example of Anelka who we made like a 20 million profit on and use Matt Turner as a comparison lol

      2. Did make a profit off Anelka , Petit , Overmars ,
        Cole , Toure , Nasri , Fabregas , Vanpersie , etc

        Can you name Artetas

        As for manager

        Inherited a drinking culture who were finishing mid table
        All back 5 have credited Wenger for extending their careers by dietary and training methods.

        Man management – taught Henry and Toure new positions
        Founds gems like Anelka , Viera and Fabregas

        Gave chances to petit and Overmars after huge injuries

        I’ll wait for examples of Arteta

            1. I didn’t mean them
              I meant not just did Wenger improve players , find gems , maid profit , he won things
              To say Arteta man management is superior is an insult and makes me question how long you watched Arsenal …..still waiting for list

              1. Please show me where I’ve posted than Mikel’s man management is superior than Wenger’s ? I’ll wait, but I certainly won’t be holding my breath.

                Being watching The Arsenal longer that you’ve been alive 😁

                1. Lento did

                  I pointed out wenger man management was better and you try and discredit him

                  Wenger inherited a great back 4 ?
                  Where is his European trophy ?

                  There’s no way lol you followed Arsenal
                  All you done is try and discredit literally the greatest manager in our history

                  1. Well what European trophy has he won in his time as a manager at Monaco and The Arsenal ?

                    Started going to Highbury on the 20/9/75, drew 2-2 with Everton after being 2-0 down. Been all over this country and Europe following the Gunners. I reckon you started going sometime in the 90’s. Am I correct ?

                    1. Then how do you not know about our drinking culture ?
                      How can you not know that Wenger inherited a squad who hadn’t challenged for the league in years

                      How can you not know that we went invincible with a defence Wenger didn’t inherit

                      How can you argue Arteta has sold.players at the right place at the right time

                      Anyways it’s your agenda and that’s your right

                      It’s my right to not engage lol

                    2. I know all about the Tuesday Club, and the player that got put on his arse in one of the local pubs after having words with a fan. The fact is drinking was rife in many a club, but it didn’t stop us from winning trophies.

                      In those day prior to Wenger, the managers has had a different remit, they had to win silverware. None of this finishing in the top 4. After winning the League in ’91 we won 3 trophies, one was our 2nd European one, and came very close to setting a record in defending it.

                      I know that Wenger inherited Ashley Cole, as he was already at the club, where he started off as a winger, but was converted to a LB while in the youth squad. He was also on the verge of being sold to Crystal Palace during his loan spell there.

        1. See my reply above regarding profit.

          A drinking culture that had finished 5th the season before Wenger arrived, and had won every domestic trophy and a European trophy.

          How many European trophies had Wenger won in his entire managerial career ?

          Reverted Henry back to his normal position, and it was the idea of Keown to play Kolo at CB.

                1. Yep we did. Shame after the ’05 season we had to wait 9 years for another trophy. That’s another record Wenger holds at The Arsenal, 9 years without a trophy and never got the sack.

                    1. How can that statement be true, Dan? As HD has pointed out, we waited 9 years to win anything so how could AW have bettered the league positions of Arteta who has finished second 2 seasons running.

                    2. Because in those years Wenger also finished 2nd and never outside top 4
                      So what’s better
                      2nd and then top 4 finishes
                      Or 2nd , two 8th finishes and 5th

                      This is my point , your never be able to find something Arteta did that Wenger hasn’t

                    3. No Dan
                      He didn’t do better
                      If he had done better AW would have won the league during that period. Do you not think that would be the case?
                      My post had nothing to do with diminishing Wenger’s achievements as you seem to think I was doing.

                    4. No he factually did better
                      In that period his league positions were higher
                      As in if one manager finishes 8th and one 3rd … 3rd is better lol

                    5. Dan, give it a rest mate.
                      Apples and Oranges. They are both managers of the club welove. Why not support both of them?
                      We dont know whatArteta will do in the next ten years, but he hope ge can become as much as an icon as Weger.
                      Let’s discuss his career when he has had as many years as Wenger was given….

                    6. It all depends how you look at it Dan

                      You have pointed to the obvious that Arteta finished outside the CL league places on 3 out of his 5 years and listed the positions but never bring up the fact that finishing 5th and 6th was nothing to crow about under AW Not exactly a successful period for the club only made more difficult by Emery’s inability to progress the club forward either.

                      In the context of the HD post, you also fail to mention that during those 9 years, Arsenal didn’t finish in second place once, so not the best comparison

                      I am not wedded to any of the managers at our club, but I can at least see the successes and failures for what they are and be thankful that we have had great years under Wenger with the distinct possibility of great years under Arteta to come.

                    7. Because Sue the comparison was the 9 year dought without a trophy
                      A comparison I didn’t make by the way
                      Wenger didn’t finish 5th or 6th in those 9 years ? He never finished outside top 4
                      So I consider that higher then 8th ?

                      Also in those 9 years Arsenal did finish 2nd lol

                      See how you try to change facts to suit argument
                      Facts are facts

                    8. I agree pat but we can’t make things up just because we want it to be true

                      So if someone says to me in our 9 year trophy drought we finished 5th and 6th and that’s factually untrue it should be corrected ?

                    9. Admin
                      I support Arteta and think he’s good but the idea that he’s a superior man manger then Wenger is a stretch

                      Peeps then have jumped on me which is fine lol

                  1. And we are still waiting going into the 6th season even after spending like a shopaholic with unlimited credit card.

  2. Thank goodness MA sees the value of the most successful manager in our history and AW saw enough in MA to recommend him for the managers job.
    Let’s just enjoy the results of this mutual admiration.

    1. Ken

      I always thought it was Maitland Niles being called better then Kante followed by Havertz will score 27 league goals but I think ….

      His (Arteta )man management is superior to Arsene’s ….might be the most deluded comment I have ever heard

      I don’t know where to go with this

      1. “Selling players for the right price at the right time” takes the cake. How can someone say that tosh for free?

        I am telling you we have Arteta paid PR people in here and PR people never hesitate to invent things or lie if need be.

          1. I want to be paid!
            Imagine the headline – “JustArsenal – sponsored by the great Mikel Arteta!”
            Has a ring to it if the money is right lol

  3. I’m astonished that this topic is still alive and kicking.

    I’ve been regularly accused of being an Arteta fan rather than the club and yet I’ve waded through a mountain of gushing about Arsene Wenger who we all know is our most celebrated manager since Chapman – and that was over 80 years ago

    This constant need to affirm his seniority over Arteta- who let’s face it, is at the beginning of what promises to be an illustrious career – is ludicrous.

    I see no point in comparing the two. Only at the end of a career of a similar length to Wenger’s will we know definitively about Arteta Even then I doubt much agreement will be possible

    Surprising to some, I do put Arsenal just a tad higher than my adulation of MA and I have always respected AW’s achievements at our club which have been incredible. I also had a lot of time for George Graham and earlier still of Bertie Mee who was the first to win the double. For those not born at that point, it’s worth reading the article on JA a couple of days ago with the recollections of us old teds who have been following the Arsenal for upwards of 60 years

    1. This isn’t just a debate confined to the football world; it’s a generational clash that spans various contexts. Engaging in such discussions seems pointless to me. Each generation believes their era was superior, and that’s all there is to it.

          1. No just factually true lol
            It would be like Liverpool manager finishing 5th then 2nd and then saying he has been more successful then Klopp

            1. If the new Liverpool manager finishes outside the top 4 for four seasons but then wins the league five times in a row, what would you say? You would’ve already judged him after just two seasons, while Klopp spent nine years to win one league title. Klopp was great, but the new manager might not achieve immediate success yet could surpass Klopp’s achievements over the same period. Is that really so hard to understand?

              1. If Arteta wins 5 in a row he would then factually have been better then Wenger
                It’s simple
                But he hasn’t has he ?

                1. If Arteta had won 5 titles in his first 5 managerial years, he wouldn’t just be better than Wenger, but every manager out there.

                    1. What am I meant to say …yes Arteta won 5 league titles?
                      It’s so sad that we live in an era where facts can actually be disputed just because you dont like it lol

      1. Daulat

        I don’t think my 60 plus years of supporting Arsenal has anything to do with it. What I was attempting (badly by the looks of things) was to show that I’m as pro Arteta as I was with Wenger. I also mentioned George Graham who was largely very successful and Bertie Mee so it’s not a generational issue- at least not for me

        Yes, the inability in some quarters to respect the abilities of both managers is utterly ridiculous and boringly repetitive

        1. I agree Sue,
          Doing the comments this morning was like …. But Wenger did this
          but arteta hasn’t done this but Wenger did…. but Wenger did this but Arteta…..


          Comparing apples with Oranges. Both can very good!

        2. My previous comment was addressing the tedious back-and-forth arguments in the thread above, not your personal view. I was responding to your surprise at such debates. While this might not apply to you—and you may be in the minority here—it’s a common pattern when people discuss the past versus the present. Nostalgia often softens negative memories and amplifies positive ones, skewing perceptions of history.

        3. No SueP you didn’t do badly at all. You were absolutely correct in every respect imo. It’s too bad we gooners cannot share the respectful and positive relationship between MA and Arsene referred to in the article. Intolerance abounds.

        4. I respect both managers
          But I’m not making things up just because it suits Arteta
          Artetas good , he’s yet to be great
          In your own words , it can’t be good if you don’t win anything

      2. Further to your post, there is an element of “it was better in my generation “ but I don’t see how that works in this debate as supporting a particular football club is almost always for life

        1. A football club is always a reflection of the people involved at any given time and what they do. I don’t think Arsenal’s way of football was in anyway similar between any two regimes in history. The club’s image is shaped by its current members, just as it is with any institution. To me, Arsenal’s image as a club and what it meant is rooted deeply in Wenger’s era. But it’s just a perception at that moment in time and my perception is just that, a personal image. Arsenal is a football club at its root, but beyond that, its image is mostly propagated by the people involved with it. Any notion of how Arsenal should be as a club, how it should play, etc are all shaped by certain individuals who were leading the club at a certain point in history. Should we gauge the current personnels based on those perceptions is my question. I want Arsenal to succeed but I don’t think it has to happen in a way it happened in the past. That’s where my point of generational arguments come into. If I think that way, I will hate any deviance from the way it happened in the past. And to many fans I see the same issue here. If any viable Comparisions can be made, it’s not now, timeframe has to be taken into account. Wenger as well went 9 years of trophy without sack. He might have started with a boom, but it didn’t carry further. Arteta has a slow start, but within a similar timeframe, he might be way more successful for Arsenal than Wenger was. It’s definitely a possibility.

          1. Agree Daulat. It is imo very much an apples vs oranges type of argument. Decades of “facts” to cherry pick from in order to make a certain overall perspective appear correct and the other person’s perspective wrong.

  4. I don’t agree that the clubs image is shaped by it’s current members – it was shaped way back, when we decided to become the very first top professional north London football club.
    All the players and managers that followed, had a blueprint of what The Arsenal stood for, along with the image that marble halls and Highbury itself portrayed.

  5. regrettably this pointless insult exchange by JA factions is so disappointing, we are better than this, unfortunately Arsenal ‘fans’ are no different to all the others, get a grip, and more so, get a life

    1. Who’s insulted who ?.
      It’s a football debate , harmless stuff

      The irony you say get a life is not lost on me lol

      1. yes Dan, you are right again

        harmless, hmm, high emotion and personal attacks is what i read over these 81 comments, bonkers, attacking other Arsenal fans over opinions of a past Arsenal manager over the current one

        sad that infighting and bickering on a pointless debate has infected Arsenal too

        get a grip, i will leave you to your nice life…

          1. well maybe, just reminds me of children squabbling over something they have forgotten what they are actually squabbling about, just childish point scoring against others for the sake of it

            if this is your fun then you are right to suggest i just leave you to it, knock yourself out…

              1. No personal abuse Dan. But it’s embarrassing as a fellow fan to watch you guys have a go at one another on this particular topic over and over again and to make it worse it’s a baseless argument. Two managers that have a great deal of respect towards one another but you made enemies here. You intentionally exposed their failures and ignore their success just to suit grudging notion towards both managers. Pitting them against one another as if they’re in competition whereas they’re not. I said if you support AW then you’ll support MA because AW set him on that path and was his candidate just to proof the kind of affection they have towards each other.
                Your argument on them has more negativity than positivity. You probably believe it to be a AW supporters vs MA supporters but your argument is more of the opposite it because you use one to discredit one and that’s pathetic.

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