Arteta promises many more Arsenal signings this summer “we are very short”

You can hear the frustration from some of our Just Arsenal readers that we are not seeing lots of star names being brought in in time for the start of the new season, especially with the neverending delay to the arrival of Riccardo Calafiori.

But we have to understand that with the Euros and Copa America there has been hardly any transfer business discussed so as not to interfere with concentation needed for such big tournaments, but now that players are returning from their holidays we can expect to see a massive increase in business across the board.

To be honest, I was only expecting maybe just a few signings this summer, but with (hopefully) a few sales to be replaced as well, there may well be many more players incoming than I expected.

Mikel Arteta certainly raised my expectations when he spoke to the media ahead of our opening match against Bournemouth on our American tour. He was asked if he could give any transfer updates and replied: “No unfortunately not, but we know there are certain positions that we want to improve and give the squad better resources, especially in terms of numbers where we are very short. We will try our best but the main thing is to focus on falling in love with the players we have and make them better.”

We all know that Arteta rarely gives anything away out our transfer business until the deals are as good as done, but the fact that he has told us that we are very short “in terms of numbers” must mean that we can still expect an exciting transfer window, despite the slow start….


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Tags Summer transfer window


  1. But the two statements don’t necessarily follow each other, do they. Yes, Arsenal is short but that doesn’t mean that there will be “Many more Arsenal signing this summer” as the article’s headline suggests. In fact, Arteta only said “We will try our best…” which is all, reasonably, he could say in the circumstances.

    As we have all seen with the (still on-going at time of writing) Calafiori “saga” getting deals over the line can be a long and frustrating business.

    I think we should hope for the best regarding incoming transfers of course but wait and see who actually arrives by 31 August.

  2. I don’t see coming ins without clearing the unwanted. Unless one of partey, esr, zinchecko and viera leaves, I don’t think we will get another midfielder. Likewise the likes of Nketia and Nelson need to go before another forward is purchased. The problem is we have big squad but only 15 players that are useful to MA and most of them are on higher wages that most team cannot afford. I am more worried about midfield if they let partey go late in the window and all of our target for his replacements are gone or too expensive for us. They need to decide his future asap or we might end up relying on aging Jorgihno more than we need to.

  3. Strangely enough, the tournaments mentioned, along with the pre season friendlies, haven’t stopped manure from strengthening their squad and it didn’t take weeks of wrangling to get the deals done either!!
    MA’s comments do validate my opinion that he is in control of the club at every level and I’m sure we’ll see movement sooner rather than later.

    1. Man U is at different level to Arsenal at the moment, and targeting a different level of players who may be easier to sign. It’s also worth noting that many believe they massively overpaid for Yoro. Obviously if you are willing to overpay you’ll get deals done faster.

      However,this overpaying for players hasn’t benefited them in the past and it’s not something worth emulating.Plus the lad wasn’t involved in any tournament unlike most of our rumoured targets.A better comparison would be our direct rivals City and Liverpool who haven’t done much either.

      1. Onyango, many believe we overpaid for Havertz, so what’s your point?
        Manure wanted him and another player as well, so they went and got them.
        Liverpool have a new manager who I suspect is finding his feet in the role, while assessing his players
        City have already been active in the market place and their level, as you put it, is different to ours.

        MA has stated that we’re light in certain positions and that he’s working on that – all I pointed out, once again, was that united have done business, (both in and out by the way) despite the reasons put forward in the article.
        If you agree with the article, that’s fine by me and I’m sure we’re both certain that Mikel and Edu will strengthen the squad, while selling those players he doesn’t want.
        Let’s watch it unfold.

      2. &Onyango. You are right. The likes of Villa, Man United, Chelsea, etc will be more active than us as they are at the same stage we were at 3-4 seasons ago. They need nearly a whole brand nee team to be able to catch up to City and us (Arsenal).
        I think our transfer dealing as are going to be minimal from this season on. We are at that stage that City have been at for years now. All they keep doing is add 1 or 2 players here and there each season. Their squad is already strong so all they keep doing is tweaking it here and there if a generational talent comes about or if trying to replace an older player.

        We are somewhat at the same stage so we will not be going into each window spending like crazy on 4 to 6 players. We did that in that last 4 seasons trying to catch up to Man City. Now the likes of Man United, Chelsea, Villa etc will go through the same process as they need to fill up their squads in order to catch up to City and Arsenal..

        That’s how I see it..

          1. Except, of course, the man that matters has said :
            Quote – “especially in the terms of numbers, where we are very short.”
            It sometimes pays to listen and / or read what the managers says in the article.

                1. I haven’t made a list (where the club’s actions did not support what he had previously said) but you know as well as I do that he says what he believes he needs to say in the best interests of the club regardless of it being necessarily what he believes to be the truth (even though it may be the truth). If he did otherwise, he would not be in his position very long. This is not a slight against him but simply the way the game is played. All managers play head games to one extent or the other and for good reason(s).

                  1. In actual fact, I agree with MA with regards to what he says in this article and I’m surprised that others aren’t also agreeing with him.
                    I’ve read on JA that we need a LB – that Partey and Jorginho are too old – that Partey, ESR and Tomiyasu are too injury prone – that Nketiah, Kiwior, Vieira and Nelson are not good enough and we need cover for Saliba!!
                    That makes TEN signings that are being highlighted by the fans.
                    Could it be that the above is what MA is referring to and if he is, isn’t that what the fanbase is

                    1. I believe we still could use some targeted signings. I don’t have enough faith in Kai being our starting striker as he just doesn’t seem clinical enough for me. I am comfortable with our defensive situation even with Tomi out now as long as they keep Kiwior or get a replacement if he goes. I’m wondering if MA has a plan to groom Timber for the CDM role. More than anything else, I would like us to acquire Eze if at all possible.

                      The overall assessment that I agreed with was that we are at a point where we can be more limited and selective (not necessarily more costly) in purchases as we have a club that has already been on the cusp of winning the league as it already stands. I believe that especially when it comes to transfers and open windows it is usually wise to take what any manager says with a grain of salt.

                    2. I respond to a post by Goonster agreeing with his original assertions on one matter and when I started disagreeing with him (formerly known as “Jen” I believe) on a different matter and wanted to simply leave it as a difference of opinion all of a sudden I’m a member of some imaginary cult.

                      I had stopped visiting and commenting on the JA site several months ago because of this kind of thing primarily coming from Jon Fox, Jen, and a few others. I know you liked Jon’s input as did I in some ways but you know the rest on him. Because I have found the comments and especially the articles on JA to be very good and insightful overall, I decided to start reading it again recently. When I saw the new ADMIN COMMENT at the bottom of each article and realized that Jon was no longer commenting, I decided to begin commenting again.

                      I don’t believe I’ll ever make the mistake of responding to any of Goonster’s posts. I believe he would likely be happy if no one responded as he makes it obvious he doesn’t value anyone’s opinion that doesn’t agree with his and states whatever is necessary to make it so at least in his mind.

                    3. I’m pretty certain that Goonster isn’t TMJW, Jen or Jumbo – although they were the three musketeers Bruised Banana.

                      My old mucker Jon Fox did tend to get under one’s skin, as I’m sure I do, but the one thing I always try to remember, is the fact that we all want The Arsenal to be successful.

                      Glad your back and I always say sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me – and try to keep a civil tongue in my head!!!
                      SueP is probably the best at that.

                    4. Hi ken1945, thanks for the response. I just wish all of the commenters were more like you, Sue, Grandad, Onyango, Herr Drier, HH, PJ-SA, Gunsmoke and many many more that care so much about the Arsenal and having a mature conversation allowing for the possibility that we aren’t correct or god forbid simply interpret the “facts” differently – not a mean spirited arrogant egotistical debate aimed purely at proving how right an opinion is and how wrong the other person is regardless of the relatively minor detail that it is at least in part related to Arsenal. The Admin should not only put a very appropriate statement at the end of each article but also enforce it when there are repeated violations by a commenter. Thanks again Ken. I’ll hang in there for now but I don’t know for how long.

                  2. BB

                    I am responding to you on this thread as there is no other way.

                    I have never thought that Goonster is any of the people that you have named. I think it would be very difficult to mimic the style of writing

                    However, back when I started following JA towards the end of Emery’s tenure, there was a contributor called TMJW who, when Covid changed our lives, got very busy on the conspiracy front. He/she was banned and when Jen popped up and then disappeared, there then came JW who has infrequently commented for a handful of months.

                    I was bored one day and looked back on some JA stuff that and came across a peculiar post well over a year ago – probably 2, referring to Harry Lime and the Third Man, written by JW. A conspiracy theory novel written by Graham Greene. Weird but I was pretty convinced that JW is the same person as TMJW

                    Why anybody would want to be a chameleon, heaven knows.

                    JA is very different without Jon Fox. Without doubt he could be pedantic and frustrating but he was a colourful character and the tempo of his writing at times made me laugh as well as the exact opposite too.

                    1. Thanks SueP. I really appreciate your time. I’ve loved the Arsenal for roughly 35 years now and I just like to chime in while trying to keep an open mind and even adding a little humor now and then if possible. JA and several of its regular commenters are so very insightful and appreciated.

                      I know I can be thin skinned sometimes and sometimes overly negative. I’m not at all a social media person so maybe that has something to do with being so irritated sometimes on JA. I’m simply putting forth an opinion while they are dead set on making certain everyone knows they are right with their opinion to the point of regularly insulting and even calling people names and needlessly cursing. I appreciate someone wanting to back up their opinion by expressing whatever facts they believe support their position but that’s not what those people are doing. They are attacking others on a personal basis as opposed to being nice or simply not being mean.

                      The tone and antics of Goonster simply reminded me of a commenter from the past who posted as Jen. I don’t know why people play games but apparently they do.

                      I very infrequently engaged so to speak with Jon and he did have some interesting insights and make some very good points imo, but I got to the point where his terrible insults against well meaning fellow gooners (and any other group he could) was just too much. I’m not the best writer in the world; but, I did find it amusing when he would go on about someone’s grammar when his was some of the worst (even outside of keyboard mistakes) of any commenter on the site.

                      btw, Sue, I love reading your posts because even when we don’t agree they are typically so insightful and look at things from so many different angles which often would never have occurred to me. I, am from what I can tell, most if not all the other commenters appreciate your input.

                      Thanks again! 😊

            1. That we need more signings is not in doubt.It’s the sense of urgency and desperation compared to Man United you brought up I am refuting. What myself and others are saying is that we are in position to take time and assess our options making sure we get the best possible deal/outcome. United are in a different position and that’s why they are being forced to pay over the odds.This entire thread happened because of your comparison between us and United,which is not a good comparison at all;not because we don’t think we need reinforcements.

              1. Onyango, see my post above and the season starts in three weeks!!!
                Would you not concede that manure will have bedded their new signings in, or at least played them, before it starts?

                1. Ken I’m sure the club would have wanted to do business early.We know because that is how they’ve done it over the past two summer windows. But you have to cut them some slack because it’s a unique year with tournaments so things will be slow. They also need to balance their spending not to violate PSR regulations. United probably have more wiggle room than us because of their revenues. They can afford to throw money around.

                  Sure Man U will have bedded their signings, but at the cost of overpaying. Remember we already have a very squad. United on the other hand are where we were 3-4 years ago and that explains their desperation.Again,you don’t refute the point that our more direct rivals Liverpool and City are in the same boat as us re transfers. Why do you think that is the case? I’ve made my point to the best of my understanding. Allow me to rest this matter here.

      3. Onyango, I would say Man Utd have massively overpaid on Yoro. £52m on a player who only had 12 months left on his contract, you can see why Real Madrid and Liverpool pulled out of transfer talks.

  4. We are going to be making at least 5 signings, that’s if Partey doesn’t leave.
    1 attacker, 1 midfielder, 1 left back, 2 goalkeepers.

    1. If Arsenal does, they’ll certainly need the magic money tree unless they can sell the four or five players that need to be offloaded. So far, they’ve not raised £1 in sales.

    2. You’ve obviously read and digested what MA said in the article Phil23, because your comment makes sense!!

  5. Those are always the fake stories for arsenal. Arteta is just like Wenger, he identifies millions of players and prefer to buy only one. Any player that doesn’t join us during the preseason will never join us again. Arteta and Wenger are the same. They sign the players they need during preseason.

    1. I hope so but I seem to remember that Wenger didn’t always sign the players he needed as the negotiations were quite often left too late in the transfer window and deals fell through.

      The closer it gets to 31 August, the more chance there is of a small problem in the negotiations over any particular player means the deal will fall through. Best to get deals done as soon as possible within the window.

  6. We need someone who can pair well with Declan Rice in the middle of the park, reducing the manager’s reliance on Jorginho, who is in the twilight years of his career and Partey, who cannot be trusted to remain fit and available. And that to me is Eberechi Eze. Bring a young striker like Brian Bobby of Ajax.

  7. Let’s just wait and see what happens. We can’t judge MA until the window closes. He has got us some decent to very good players since he arrived ie. Rice, Partey, Havertz, White, Timber, Odegaard, Gabs, Trossard, Viera, Raya, etc
    MA has built a fine team. I’m excited about the players he will bring in. Don’t know who or when but i am hopeful that he will bring us talent that will improve us

  8. The latest injury to Tomi is a blow which could necessitate the retention of Kwior and Zinchenko particularly in view of the delays in bringing in Calafiori.In the same way, the absence of a new central midfielder means that we may have to forget about cashing in on Partey in this window, which, at the end of the day may not be a bad thing.No doubt a lot of negotiations are taking place behind closed doors and let’s hope they bear fruit in the course of the next few weeks.

  9. And I also find it a bit weird that the same people that are being restless about Arteta not signing more players are the same individuals that won’t shut up about him “Being a Chequebook manager”.

    But but:
    “Arteta has spent nearly a £billion so far.”

    “The owners have backed him to the hilt financially. “

    “The club has to curb Arteta’s overspending and command him to use the squad that is already available at his disposal.”

    “He needs to stop being a chequebook manager.”
    Blah blah…

    But it’s the same people that are encouraging him to spend even more this summer window and all the other transfers windows.
    Then 20 minutes later in different articles on this same Forum they will be back to going on about how he has now spent £800 million since 2019. And that he is going to ruin the club financially.

    Who wanna Bet?

      1. It’s going to be a very big set of names DK and I’ll tell you why.
        It’s because every Arsenal supporter knows :

        1. Arteta HAS spent nearly a billion. Correct?
        2. The owner HAS backed him to the hilt financially (and through phases 1-5). Correct?
        3. He HAS to start using the talent from Hales End… after he’s won the PL and/or the CL. Otherwise what’s the point of having Mertesaker and Wilshere. Correct?
        4. Never seen the word “command” used in any way on JA and, if he doesn’t use the squad he himself has signed, who is he going to use? Correct?
        5. Once again, never have I read that anyone has claimed MA is going to “ruin the club financially”, but it does make for sensational reading – the only problem is MA doesn’t own the club and Mr Kronkie won’t stand idly by and let him do it. Correct?
        6. I have read that Goonster believes we have to replace Partey, Jorginho and buy a LB. Now, in order to do that, we have to spend money wouldn’t you say? Correct?
        7. So the fact that MA HAS spent nearly a billion and that he still says “we are short of players” is a factual piece of information. Correct?
        8. So why is stating that factual piece of information in an article, or as a comment, so confrontational blah blah?
        9. I find THAT is a bit weird and I think it’s because some see it as being critical of MA himself – the man who has just said he needs to spend more money and everyone agrees with him!!
        10. I still support MA 100%,but why I feel I have to keep saying that, sums up Goonster’s post.

        1. Ken I was more intrigued by goonsters claim about fans that call Arteta a cheque book manager (which he undoubtedly is ) and those claimants that have pressured or moaned about Arsenal not signing players .
          I know a few regulars that say he is a chequebook manager but I’ve not seen any evidence of the second part of goonsters claim ,I’m sure he will be able to prove me wrong with said names ,or like always he will duck the question and move on to the next Article and copy and paste the exact same post .
          I await with bated breath ,I’m sure you do too .
          Going through your list though Ken
          1- 800 million thus far
          2- that word phases 🤢
          3-did t realise we had any talent left from the academy (either sold off or not given a chance )
          4-not sure on that one
          5-agree on that one ,but would suggest we are now struggling with FPS because of overspend in the last 5 years ,and without selling this is where I think our incomings are taking longer .
          6- goonster knows his stuff unlike another fans so we take in his undoubtedly transfer knowledge and go with it .
          7-yep although 800 million yes factual(not sure how we are still short ) but yes
          8-Artetas defensive strange fans (not Arsenal fans )
          10- I support Arsenal not Arteta,but goonster and his goons obviously look at it differently.
          Much longer post than I’m used to Ken but thought you deserved the answers mate as you always put so much thought into your posts .
          Me I just wanted too expose another Arteta (Wenger hater )fan and the gibberish that comes out of their mouths ,unless he can prove me wrong with said question uptop .

          1. Number 3 Ken
            We have just lost obi Martin ,not sure how many millions it costs to keep our Academy going per season ,but apparently we don’t have any good players in it 🤔
            Another player knowing he won’t get his chance .

            1. @Dan Kit.
              How many academy players have been produced by our Arsenal Academy in the last 20 years that have gone on to make it into the first team and maintained their place in it?
              Lets say from the 100’s that have been through our academy in the last 20 years, how many have gone on to make it big in our first team or else where?

              Nketiah, Willock, Nelson etc were once also the best next thing. But our fans hounded Willock out, now Nketiah has become something that all make fun of and can’t wait for him to be moved on.

              Then Reiss Nelson is in the same category. People making fun of him and how we will be lucky to make £5 million.

              Iwobi was hounded by our fans until he moved to Everton.

              Can remember the likes of Afobe, Akpom, Lansbury, J.E.T, Eastmond, The Hoyte brothers etc.. I can list more names of the “Next Big” academy player label. But once many of then get a chance then our same fans will be out calling them average, crap, midtable and should not be anywhere near Arsenal etc..

              Look at the outrage caused in our fanbase when Arteta extend academy graduates Nketiah and Nelsoj’s contract.

              What make you think that in 2-3 years you will not be laughing at how crap and average Obi Martin is? And that he should be given away? 😊

          2. Couldn’t agree more DK. I read that line and thought the same. No surprise he has run away as expected.

            One of (and the biggest) the R6 at his best.

            1. Yea thought he would float off into the distance HH ,probably see him in a couple days repeating the same old guff mate ,one of those that seems more worried about having to defend Arteta(one of the JA 7)than talking All things Arsenal.

                1. HD, can’t find the thread where I asked you about returning to the Emirates when your treatment is finished – sorry about that, but is it on the cards for us to have a beer and discuss “the good old days” at the Emirates?

                  1. Ken, my treatment doesn’t finish till April next year. I’m not sure that it will have any effect on my lack of mobility. Unless I can there without my wheeled walker I can’t see me going to the stadium again, as getting the train, then the tube and then to the ground will be to much hassle.

                    1. HD
                      Thinking of you and wish you all the best. Let’s hope the club can come up trumps next season

                    2. When your treatment has finished HD, let me know if you think I can possibly help to get you to the Emirates.
                      As you know, I travel down by car from Scotland and so I have the transport available.
                      Obviously I don’t know if it would work, but the offer is a serious one and I just hope you come out after April, feeling on top of the world!!
                      The club can also be very helpful 🫰

                    3. Thanks Ken for the offer, but it would mean you driving past London, as I live nearer to France than London 🙂

                    4. HD, I’ve tried to reply to you, but it’s not coming up.
                      I hope you get through this and we’ll talk again then.
                      I hope my original post appears, as I wanted to suggest a few things, so let’s wait and see.
                      Take care and keep correcting us dunderheads!

              1. Guys, some of us have real lives. We don’t camp in these online spaces waiting for back and forth on each and every comment we post. I am not going to be refreshing the page every half an hour waiting for replies.
                Just because I make a comment does not mean I am going be sitting their waiting for replies.

                Again, some of us have lives outside of these online spaces..

                If I can be bothered to revisit an article that I commented on then I will. But I cut down on my social media engagements since the 2022/23 season.

            2. It’s not like you haven’t ‘run away’ HH when asked questions 😂. The words Pot, Kettle and Black spring to mind !

          3. @Dan Kit
            Of course you don’t like Arteta, what a revelation. 😊
            So do you want him to spend more money this window so that he can finally hit £1 billion spent since 2019? Because it seems lik @Ken1945 is all in for more money being spent by Arteta spent this summer window.
            Then the “All Arteta does is spend, he has now spent £1 billion since 2019” catchphrases will go into overdrive even of most fans always encourage Edu and Arteta to spend more each and every season. The logic in this always gets me. Lol

            And of course we the people that decided to give Arteta enough time to stabilise our club from the mess, toxicity and lack of Unity in the dressing room and our fanbase are just Arteta fans and not Arsenal fans?? Lol. While you and your crew that were on the side of a loony / mayhem steerer / The Shirt Selling Genius (Ozil) that was on a mission to burn our club down on his way out. But you deem yourself as the real true / real Arsenal fans? The cognitive dissonance in that..,.. smh

            All we so called Arteta fans wanted and still want is what is best for Arsenal. You might not like it but going back from December 2019 when Arteta was hired he’s been what’s best for Arsenal considering where he has gotten us. I know it hurts your feelings and emotions but you have to deal with it.

            And I am proud to have backed Arteta rather than the “Shirt Selling Genius” like you guys did. 🤭
            I will continue to be an Arteta backer as long as he keeps performing for us and has the best interests of Arsenal. And he seem to have our best interests.

            If that’s what you deem as one not being an Arsenal fan then I would love to know what school system you went through to have such upside down rationality. 🤓

            1. A bit of a rave going on here Goonster 😂😂
              Who said we need more players in?
              None other than Mikel Arteta, when he said “We are very short”.
              So it’s obvious he’s going to be spending more money and you don’t need to be a “shirt selling genius” to work that out. It’s just simple logic, a logic that you, Goonster, have been more than happy to write about.
              Partey and Jorginho are too old, we need a LB, ESR is injury prone and needs to be sold, are some of your remedies and, of course, they cost money!!

              Going on about Ozil wanting to “burn our club down” is stretching the imagination, but if that’s what floats your boat, be content that he’s never said a bad word about the club or anyone within it and let the flames burn out as the time goes by ♨️

              On to the section about “real Arsenal fans” now and the fact that, if MA was questioned in any way, it was deemed that we were being anti Arsenal – I’m very proud that we, the people who did that, actually heard MA admit he has made the mistakes himself.
              The very fact that he has done that, unlike AW who never saw anything, or UE who blamed others, is a testiment to the man himself.
              He has brought the club together in a fantastic way, both on and off the pitch and his passion for The Arsenal matches that of any supporter.

              All the players in his squad are his now and the last two seasons have been a revelation – he just needs to get rid of the deadwood he didn’t inherit.

              Now if all this deems us to not be Arsenal supporters, please divulge the school system you went through, as it seems if one doesn’t agree with you, then it’s back to supporting a “shirt selling genius” card and it’s quite boring actually 🥱🥱

              Finally, let’s hope Mikel breaks that billion total, as we await news on the transfers that he wants to make – I’m supporting him 100% along with Mr Kronkie and all true Arsenal fans – isn’t that how it is?

              1. @Ken
                So you and Arteta both agree that we need to spend more money on strengthening the squad this season and since 2019 when he was hired? So then if I the same people that are always encouraging Edu and Arteta to spend on strengthening the team every season then turn around and criticise him for spending, being a chequebook manager, he has spent more than £600 million and keeps spending. He has spent nearly a £billion” blah blah. Do I get permission to remind them of my original comment?

                And you the Three (3) “Shirt Selling Genius” muskateers were right on board encouraging that loony guy to absolutely cause disharmony, absolute chaos, mayhem and divisiveness in and around the club. You guys were right there cheering him on while some of us were here defending the integrity of our club and managers (Emery, Arteta etc). But then your fellow Muskateers @Dan Kit has the nerve to label us as not being real Arsenal fans because we stood up for the likes of Arteta againsts the Ozilists and other Arteta Doomers. We are not real Arsenal fans because we decided to stickup for the club and manager against badly behaved players that had turned our club into a joke. We were labelled all sorts because just because we refused to bend the Lord “Shirt Selling Genius” and backed our managers and club. Smh 👍😊

                And I love how you always try to say that Arteta admitted this and that.. But have you ever admitted that you and others have been some of the “Wrongest Individuals” in this Arteta tenure? You have been proven wrong on nearly every “Big and Controversial Decision / Stance” that Arteta and Edu have taken through the last 4-5 years. You’ve also been so wrong on Arteta since 2020. But do you actually admit to anything to do with your earliest stances about him as an individual and a potential manager? or you just prefer Arteta be the only one admitting their flaws and mistakes?

                And about the “Shirt Selling Genius”, @Ken remember I promised to remind you guy of your stances on him that were to the detriment of our Club and our Managers. He disrespected everyone while you guys cheered on consistently. So as I promised back then, I will keep reminding you guy of this every now and then when appropriate.

                1. What a lot of nonsense and falsehood Goonster, as you try to cover your tracks.
                  Let’s take your exaggerated points one by one.
                  1. I haven’t ever criticised MA for spending money, you’ve plucked that out of thin air.
                  Up and until the summer signings of Gabriel and Zinchenko, the money he spent, hadn’t shown any improvement on UE’s 5th position and cup results. I believe that amount was, roughly, £600million.🤔
                  2. You don’t need anyone’s permission to give your opinion, but don’t make things up to bolster your opinion.👍
                  3. The three Musketeers? So who’s the third one then?🤔
                  I disagreed with MA on the way he and the club handled the Ozil situation and I haven’t changed the stance that it was political, rather than footballing reasons, that he was frozen out of the club. 👍
                  What you can’t seem to grasp is that fans who brought replica shirts and then paid to have his name put on the back of it, were all Arsenal fans showing their appreciation of the player – money that went straight back into the club.🤔
                  3. Those players who turned our club into a joke? Wasn’t it those players who actually won MA his only trophy to date and been part of the group that had ensured European football for over two decades? 🤔
                  4. I have never said that anyone who takes time to participate in discussing all things Arsenal is “not an Arsenal fan” – just another phrase you plucked out of thin air in order to label others. JA is a site that allows fans to give their opinions and questions. No one is right or wrong, as opinions are not facts, unless one can prove that. ☑️.
                  That brings me nicely on to point
                  5. I’m glad you love the fact that I quote MA’s own words and this article shows his honesty, by admitting he needs to spend more money.
                  6. “Wrongest individual and proven wrong on every big and controversial decision?” Well Goonster, a few examples might help me answer yet another flowery comment that means nothing without context – let’s see what you come up with.
                  7. Do I admit my mistakes?
                  Well, I admitted that I got it wrong with Odegaard – that Jack Kelsey didn’t have his shop in the north bank – that The Arsenal had seven players injured at one time – that AMN would become a star at the club – that UE was a flop – that Raya was an unnecessary buy and I’m sure you’ll be able to give me other examples… as for flaws, I have so many, but I do take pride in ensuring that I don’t make things up and stand by my own opinions, without feeling the need to use what I think others might say to bolster my opinion. I guess that means I’m an individual who thinks for himself – sometimes I’m right and sometimes I’m not.
                  8. You keep on “reminding me” about my opinions Goonster, as I take satisfaction in knowing that I live rent free in your head and you actually take time out of your busy schedule to tell me so. 😊👍🤭
                  Just remind me again, when you say Ozil disrespected “everyone” how did he disrespect me?

                  1. @Ken
                    Lets take it point by point then.
                    Point (1). If you never criticise him about the money he had spent then why do you always have to keep going on about “Arteta has been backed to the Hilt to the tune of about £600 million”?
                    In the last few months you keep regurgitating that amount Arteta has spent so far.

                    And it’s not just you. The usual Arteta bashers.. You seem to just jump from one negative to the next in order to carry on your little narratives. The moment any new negative Arteta bashing trope is debunked season after season new ones are created just for the sake of carrying on the narrative. Your favourite recently has been constantly reminding us all about Arteta being a Chequebook manager. “He has been backed to the Hilt to the tune of £600 million blah blah..”

                    But then are happy to encourage him to spend more each window. But like always later you will be regurgitating the new catchphrase “Arteta has spent £600 million since he was hired”. Blah blah,

                    I just hate sneakiness and hypocrisy from the usual suspects..

                    Now address that “Arteta has been back to the Hilt to a tune of £600 million” trope then we can move on to your other sneaky poltician like points you raised.

                    1. Well Goonster, I’m only reporting the facts, unless you disagree that MA HASN’T been backed to the hilt and spent to the tune of £600 million plus?
                      Why do you get your knickers in a twist over that?
                      If you can’t accept thar MA has to be measured by what’s gone on, then don’t read my posts.
                      I’m absolutely thrilled that Mr Kronkie has taken this route, as it should mean the club we both support will be successful… and of course MA has repaid that backing in the last two seasons by finishing 2nd twice and qualifying for the CL.
                      I estimate that those two facts have repaid about £100 million so far and MA has been really unlucky not to have two PL titles on his resume already – he’s done a fantastic job these last two seasons wouldn’t you agree?
                      Just needs to sell on the deadwood that he signed in the first two and a half seasons, when questions were being asked about Willian, Cedric etc etc and the unbelievable salaries being given out as that’s holding up further progression.
                      Next point?

              2. ken1945, imo anyone who paid out of his own pocket to keep Gunnersaurus should be immune from slander, lol.

                I also believe the Ozil events were in reality politically motivated by the China situation. It will likely be a long time before anyone knows for certain but to me, logically, it makes the most sense given what occurred and when. Hey, that’s one of those things where I believe MA may have been saying what was best for the club as opposed to the truth. Anyway, no strike against him for that.

                1. If they were motivated by China then that means that the likes of Fenerbache and İstanbul Basaksehir who also terminated Ozil’s contracts citing the same issues we all were pointing out about him constantly: His lack of professionalism, laziness, poor attitude and having an over the top ego etc.

                  So then all those Turkish clubs must also have terminated his contract due to the made up Chinese political conspiracy the Ozilists kept pushing instead of accepting and acknowledging that Ozil was the problem.

                  Madrid couldn’t wait to get rid of him.

                  Germany couldn’t wait to get rid of him.

                  Arsenal paid in order to remove the stench from our club.

                  Fenerbache terminated his contract.

                  İstanbul Basaksehir Terminated his contract etc..

                  Nearly all of them citing the same reasons to do with Ozil’s attitude. Can’t all be the China political conspiracy. Someone has got to provide the evidence for such claims. People can bury their heads in the sand rather than acknowledging that Ozil was exposed for his poor professionalism, poor attitude, poor mentality, massive sense of self importance, The biggest £multi millionaire Victim the world has ever seen etc. His fans would rather deflect or blame each and everything but Prince Ozil. It’s never his fault but everyone else.

                  Don’t let me unload on Ozil again. His fans will get still triggered and emotional. Don’t wanna do that. Lets end it there. 👍🙏

                  1. You do like “we all” generalizations and matter of fact statements I’ll give you that. We’ll have to agree to disagree on just about everything Ozil related.

                    1. I think your post re China is part of the political problem BB, along with his salary and refusal to take a pay cut.
                      How else can it be explained, especially as, up to the covid situation, MA regularly selected him game after game?
                      I agree with your observation about Goonster use of “we all” when giving hus opinion _it denubds me if my old chum Jon Fox and his “vast majority agree with me ” throwaway point when also giving his opinion

                    2. There is no agree to disagree on the nonsensical China conspiracy theories peddled by the Ozil cult. One has got to provide evidence for such. Once you make a claim then you have got to back it up with Facts and Evidence, Sorry mate. We have asked the ozil fans for years now to provide any evidence for their China conspiracy nonsense but as always they just engage in “Fallacious reasoning” instead of providing their irrefutable evidences.

                      Emery the first one to try get rid of that loony guy.

                      It was even reported that Ozil had fallen out with Wenger by 2018.

                      1) Madrid got rid.
                      2) Germany got rid.
                      3) Arsenal (Wenger, Emery, Ljumberg, Arteta) all falling out with Ozil. Arsenal terminate his contract and pay him to take his stinky stench out of our club.
                      4) Fenerbache (Falls out with both managers and Chairman) they terminate his contract,
                      5) Istanbul Basaksehir. They terminate his contract and he retires.

                      You can’t convince me that all this poor history of was all concocted by the evil communists (China).

                      Some people just need to accept that Ozil was the problem and not all the excuses and blame game his fans try to float all the time.
                      Isn’t it?

                      That’s all..

                    3. Goonster, I am not in any Cult including any Ozil Cult you may have in mind. You need to get a grip.

                    4. The only cult that I can fathom out, is the one that demands no questioning of our leader.
                      It seems, Goonster, that not only DK and I are living rent free in your head, so is Mesut Ozil. He’s been gone for ages, so get over it and I’ve got it on good authority, he’s not missing you.
                      Now, about point two?

                    5. Goonster, regarding Ozil, I suggest you look up the Chinese company that had the TV rights for showing the PL games. Once the season restarted after covid, they refused to show our game, I think it was against Man City. Then they renegaded on paying their next installment to the PL,costing every PL club millions of £s. Coincidence ? I think not.

                    6. I like the facts you produce HD – especially as I know your views on Ozil as a player for The Arsenal!! 👍

            2. Let’s not be ridiculous, Ozil wasn’t burning the club down and frankly some of what he said was true to be brutally honest. People just look back at it in rose covered glasses

      2. Do I really need to actually list names? 😊
        The replies to my comment speak for themselves.
        I will leave it at that…👍😊🤓

        I will remind you guys of this comment later on when the “Arteta has spent nearly a £billion” catchphrases are being parroted consistently like always.

        And also will remind you of the “Arteta overspending is unsustainable and could ruin the club” talking points are pushed.

        I will remind of my comment when The” Arteta has been backed to the Hilt to the tune of more than £600 million since 2019” disingenuous talking points..

        So, do I have permission to highlight anyone that brings up such talking points from now on? Because I can Bet you £30 and can predict that at least 1 or 2 people on this forum will regurgitate those talking points before the end of this week. And quiet a few will parrot those catchphrases before the season kicks off in August and beyond..

        Wanna Bet?

    1. Arsenal’s spending is, I believe, around £730m (870m euros) since 2019. That’s gross spending, up to and including Raya. After player sales it’s around £560m (665m euros).

      That’s a chunk of change and it’s on Arsenal’s books as loans, not gifts, from KSE. However, it depends what Arsenal have got/will get for it (along with additional spending in this window).

      If they win the PL in 2024-25 and use that first major trophy under Arteta (I don’t count the FA Cup here – the “big boys” are after the PL & CL nowadays) as a springboard to more silverware, then it’s worth it. If Arsenal fails in 2024-25 then the jury will be out, I suspect. Such is professional football at the top level.

  10. “We are light in many positions”, Isn’t that what some of us have been saying all along and yet the steadfast loyalists have been arguing that all is good and that we can win the title with what we have. It’s obviously not going to happen without an alternative midfield option and a striker, as in real goal opportunist but at least the signing of Califiori will potentially give Arsenal the best back four in the league and something to build on. Just don’t expect miracles from “Kai”, Jesus and Trossard.

    1. I’m not going to get into the ins and outs of player shortfalls but in the normal scheme of things players move on and others come in

      Arteta – as far as he is concerned, needs fresh blood and would like to say thanks and goodbye to those who have done their stint. I bet the same conversation is being discussed across the football world right now

  11. Also have to agree with those above bemoaning the loss of our best youth prospects. Why haven’t better pathways been offered to these youngsters to at least give them a look in. Ridiculous having a youth policy at all under this current regime. Comes a time when allowing these youngsters to leave i will come to bite.

  12. Sorry but when a manager says “we have to fall in love with the players we have” that is about as clear a statement as he can make without looking rebellious that what we will get is less than he’d like. So the authors reading of his remarks are way off target.

  13. He didn’t say what he feels which is we are short on quality. Whether that means an upgrade on Nketiah / an upgrade on Havertz / an upgrade on Martinelli / a quality backup for Saka or a quality left back which it looks like we have there or upgrades in midfield or better backups in general. He didn’t say we are short on quality because he has to think about the confidence in the squad because we might not be able to do everything he’d like us to do

  14. Funny thing is I saw someone comment here, that Arsenal had a league winning squad 2 seasons back.

    I don’t remember who, but it was there. Some delusions fans can have.

    One other dilemma among fans that I see is whether to appreciate Arteta for buying the players to win the league or diss him because he is not promoting enough youth players. That just seems to be not knowing what they want really.

    Another point is I see recently is Arsenal being late in this transfer window than Man U, and other clubs. I see that as an obvious fact as Arsenal has to to think about building upon the right things from the last season. Man U, has to find the squad doing the right things in the first place. They have to discover the right squad first. They have been just a patchwork team. ( But they still won a trophy …please we won it as well with the likes of luiz, sokratis and mustafi, it happens sometimes but you can’t take it for granted every season or as a rule)

    The last season was a matter of few points. And those few points could have been got if we scored a few more goals, but also if we conceded a few less. So, I am quite content that we are bolstering our defense first. And we will get more offensive players as well down the line.

    1. Daulat, can I ask you why you think the club needed time to think about last season?
      Shouldn’t that be an ever evolving issue after every game?
      I’m sure MA will have known exactly what he needed to go that one step further and, for me, that’s the really frustrating part of this transfer window – why can’t we get our transfer targets over the line quicker?
      It’s been the same for decades, so it’s not just Edu.

      1. Arsenal is transitioning into a new phase of squad development. We’ve moved from building a squad from scratch to fine-tuning it according to our needs. While we’re not yet at Manchester City’s level, we’re making significant progress. Most of the essential elements are already in place; now it’s about adding to the squad in a way that enhances our existing strengths without disrupting them.

        This phase requires more thoughtful consideration than starting from scratch because it involves a deeper understanding of what works and what doesn’t. We can’t afford to experiment too much as we head into the season. We need to be certain about our signings, understanding both their benefits and potential drawbacks. Every player has their pros and cons, and we can’t be caught off guard by the cons mid-season, with what’s at stake here.

        When building from scratch, we focus mainly on the positives because our squad lacks those strengths. But with a thriving and well-functioning team, we must preserve the positives and address the negatives, which demands more strategic thinking. I was quite sure we would have a very slow recruitment this window.

        Being able to fine-tune a squad rather than rebuild it is a clear sign of a club’s progress, indicating that the current squad is already capable of achieving good results, as seen with Manchester City. Arsenal is approaching that level but faces a more complex situation this season. We need to fine-tune certain aspects while also rebuilding others.

        I have a feeling this window will be the last difficult transfer window for Arsenal.

        1. Interesting take you give Daulat, but you didn’t answer my question.. As we went through one of our most successful seasons in over a decade, why wasn’t the club ready for the seasons end, having identified any weaknesses?
          We, the fans, could identify the LB position etc by watching the games, but the club have the players day in day out.
          Think about Kieren Tierney – his future was determined ages ago, so I really don’t see it as you do.
          I have to say as well, this is not a new thing at the club, as it goes back to the sixties, where they dithered about and tried to get players on the cheap by offering silly money and, then losing out to other clubs.
          Enjoyed the discussion and your opinion as always 👍

          1. This season has been a bit slower due to the Euros, as many of Arsenal’s targets were involved in the tournament.

            Calafiori has just signed and will join the preseason in the US. In contrast, Manchester United signed Yoro and Zirkzee, who barely featured in the Euros, making their transfer decisions quicker.

            Our targets included major Euro players like Calafiori, Sesko (who chose not to move), Merino, Gyokeres (who had knee surgery concerns), and Nico. These players needed time to rest and recuperate before making transfer decisions. According to Romano, the delay with Calafiori was due to the agreement between Bologna and Basel, not Arsenal.

            Things are coming together now, with advanced talks for Nelson, Nketiah, and ESR with their respective suitors, and the transfer fees being discussed are promising.

            Arsenal is reportedly waiting for Nketiah’s transfer to finalize before pursuing forward targets like Nico and Gyokeres. Chelsea and Manchester United moved faster by targeting young prospects who didn’t participate in the Euros.

            I hope this clarifies the reasons for the delays.

            1. I have no doubt that the euros came into the scenario Daulat, so it will be interesting to see how many players from that competition we actually sign.
              Of course, Nketiah, Nelson ESR and any other players who are rumoured to be leaving, didn’t play in that competition and we haven’t got one single player that we want to sell through the door as yet.
              That’s despite Fulham, Palace etc wanting to sign our players – it could be that the club wants more for said players, in which case I applaud them, as over the years, we have always sold too cheaply.
              With the PL roughly three weeks away, I’m sure Edu is working hard in every department…. but, as yet, the silence is deafening.

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