Captain Kim Little on what Arsenal Women “really need to focus on” next season

On Saturday, Arsenal women wrapped up the 2023–24 season in style, securing an impressive 5-0 victory over Brighton, at Meadow Park.

Looking at the final WSL table, our Gunner women finished in 3rd place with 50 WSL points, just 5 points behind Chelsea and Manchester City. Chelsea’s superior goal difference helped them secure the league title ahead of City.

Much has been said about Arsenal’s 2023–24 league campaign, but we can talk about Kim Little’s analysis of the season. The Arsenal captain, in a way, admits that the season didn’t quite go as expected, but they have a good idea of what needs improvement in order to have a more successful 2024–25.

She thinks that Arsenal’s lack of consistency this season was the main reason for their uneventful league run. Yes, they’ve shown this season they can totally take down their main rivals, but she’s disappointed that they’re losing to weaker opponents. She thinks that needs to change as she said, via Arsenal.

“I think the games that we’ve dropped points in are the games that we should be winning if you put us on paper. When we get to those hard away games, we just need to dig in and get the win.

“We really need to focus on that next year, as well as continuing to focus on our performances against the bigger teams. I think this year we’ve done incredibly well in those matches but ultimately, if you don’t do well in both then you’re not going to win the league so that’s definitely something we need to improve on for next year.”

Little’s claims are spot on. If Arsenal had managed to win just two games they lost, they would have not only secured the Continental Cup but also clinched the league title this season. So, which games did our Gunner women lose in the league? They lost four WSL games:

Chelsea 3:1 Arsenal
West Ham 2:1 Arsenal
Tottenham 1:0 Arsenal
Arsenal 0:1 Liverpool

Usually, when Arsenal loses, it’s understandable if it’s against Chelsea; they’re our main rivals. However, losing to the other three teams is hard to fathom, considering Arsenal’s track record of beating them season after season. Teams like Liverpool and Spurs are making a comeback, but even so, our Gunners should be even better.

Hopefully, next season, they can finally achieve some consistency in winning. They should be resolute in overcoming any challenges, be it against the top teams or the dubbed “inferior teams.”

What do you think Gooners?

Michelle M

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