Edu reveals the meticulous steps Arsenal take before they sign any player

Arsenal director Edu Gaspar is perceived as the leading decision-maker at the club, with many believing he holds significant sway at the Emirates.

Edu played a key role in bringing Mikel Arteta back to the club as its manager, and he is also heavily involved in overseeing most transfers.

He typically signs off on agreements before they are finalised, making him a focal point for praise or criticism when things go right or wrong.

However, Edu has now shed light on the decision-making process at the Emirates, revealing that he is not the sole authority when it comes to signing players and other important matters.

He told Estadao:

“You can’t sign for the sake of signing. It has to be a process that takes weeks and weeks. On my desk, I have reports of over 180 pages on one player. It’s really detailed stuff. Physical, technical, mental profile, whether he has Premier League experience, whether he’ll be able to adapt. Everything. We analyse our deficiencies, where we can improve, where we can invest and then we go in search of that new name. We’ve been discussing what I’m going to do now since January. It’s not my decision or Mikel’s. It’s a group decision.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

Arsenal is one of the biggest clubs in the world, so it is almost impossible for Edu to make decisions alone.

Our sporting director works under others, and they all have to study a decision before it is made. He truly is just the face of the decision-makers.


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