How will Keiran Tierney new injury affect Arsenal’s transfer plans?

Micah Richards speaks on Keiran Tierney

Kieran Tierney picked up an injury in Scotland’s 1-1 draw against Switzerland last night and has left Arsenal fans wondering what’s next for Scottish defender. Tierney left Arsenal on loan last season for Real Sociedad and had a decent season for the Spanish side. He was looking likely to leave the club for a healthy fee this summer, but after picking up what looked like a very nasty injury in Scotland’s game against Switzerland it’s left Arsenal fans wondering what’s next for Tierney at Arsenal?

Ex Manchester city legend turned pundit Micah Richard’s had his say after the game and said this “I feel sorry for Tierney because when he was up in Scotland at Celtic, he was immense. Everyone was talking about he’s better than Andy Robertson.”

“He comes down and plays for Arsenal, does alright, gets injured. They bring in another left-back. Goes to Sociedad and it’s not really worked out. Then just as he gets his form going and he gets injured”

And I can’t agree more. Sometimes players are doing really well and an unexpected injury will hold them back and that’s exactly what happened with Tierney at Arsenal, he picked up an injury and by the time he was back at his best, his position had been taken and was left on the outskirts of the team, but now he’s picked up yet another injury, it’s very unlikely he will leave the club in the summer and could end up getting a second chance at Arsenal.

I’ve always rated Tierney and he’s only ever said good things about the club while on loan, so I wouldn’t hate the thought of keeping him if we can manage to get him fit and ready to play, but it also means were missing out on guaranteed money and will have to reevaluate what we are going to do next in defence.

He is a good player and if it wasn’t for his injury record, I think he would have continued to shine but like many other players, he seems to run into bad luck and is constantly plagued by injuries. Of course, were not 100% on what injury he picked up just yet and will have to wait for more news, but it looked nasty and personally, I think he’s set to stay at Arsenal, at least until the winter transfer window.

What’s your thoughts Gooners?

Daisy Mae


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