How would Arteta deal with an Mbappe or Ronaldo at Arsenal?

At Xmas when it was suggested that Ronaldo on a short-term deal would be a better option then Eddie Nketiah for Arsenal, it was dismissed as an idea that would harm our team spirit.

When Messi’s contract was expiring, he was accused of having a personality that wouldn’t be tolerated in our dressing room (not that he ever asked to move to England at any point).

With links of a move for Mbappe based on fantasy but nonetheless existing, a section of our fanbase feel that his attitude would undermine our progress made last season.

You may see a pattern emerging.

Where most followers of the sport respect these talents as the greatest to ever live, some Gooners have found a way to accept us never being in the market for the best in the world but making out it’s our choice.

If you were an alien and never watched the product and were basing your opinion on what I have read recently, you would assume that these three had committed crimes against the sport and that their egos had cost trophies.

In reality …. they may be divas; have certain demands and even act like they are bigger than the badge, but the idea this will prevent success is simply a myth.

Two have lifted a World Cup, one a Euros, one a Copa America

Two have won Leagues in various countries and are multiple Champions League winners.

Arsenal ‘s squad have won a ……. well they are apparently a nice bunch of lads who get along!

Last time I checked this was football and your talent and mentality should be prioritised over your likeability.

Now do I believe my peers truly think that our attack is better than any of them?

Do I think anyone with an ounce of knowledge believe any of those three could have done any worse than at West Ham, Forest, City and at home to Brighton and Saints?

Is there no proof to suggest none of those three get crippled by the fear of failure?

Does it matter who’s best friends with who if you are mentally weak?

Unless you’re in a school playground, only then will I ever understand the need to never admit when someone is better then what we have.

Yet one notion is true. Mikel Arteta would never approve of that type of transaction.

Having helped reduce the wage bill in the last few years he wouldn’t want to upset the team dynamics by having one player on wages the others are not close too.

Most of all, our manager is smart enough not to put himself in a position where he can be undermined.

The Spaniard clearly prefers to work with youth who he can train and teach his ethos to.

Look how many senior players he has loaned out, released or even paid to sit at home.

That rarely happened under Mr Wenger.

We can debate individual cases, but I have always maintained the Kroenke Family set a dangerous precedent by allowing someone in their first managerial job think it was standard to just wash your hand of assets.

As his employers, the job specification should have included getting the best out of the resources he has.

When you can make an 11 out of players one manager froze out, that’s not a coincidence.

It’s happening right now with Pepe.

I like Arteta and felt he did a great job last campaign, but it hurts me this reality that we will never have a world class player at our club because he might be cocky or arrogant.

It hurts even more that some fans have accepted that.

Haaland thinks a lot of himself, but Pep still brought him in.

Ibrahimovic refers to himself in the third person yet was playing for Man United in his late thirties!

Whisper it quietly……it’s because they are good at what they do.

Which got me thinking …… how different would our history have been under Arteta’s non-negotiable principles?

For all his plus points, Ian Wright rowed with fans outside Highbury’s window, was caught roller skating along the Marble Halls and once demanded a transfer request. Arteta would have sold him for that.

Mr Wenger dealt with a drinking culture by teaching Dietary and training methods.

I’m not sure Arteta would have that ‘arm around the shoulders’ approach.

He would have clashed with Lehmann 100 percent.

Anyone who’s read Sol Campbell’s book will know he’s a complex individual and one time went AWOL.

Arteta has released players for less.

Guendouzi was never forgiven for tearing down barriers and equipment at Brighton.

Fabregas was protected over Pizza-gate.

Would Arteta accept Vieira every summer flirting with a move away?

Then there’s Henry. Could be moody, poor body language, would verbally berate youngsters not as good as him.

Would he be too big a personality?

Don’t think a Lauren, Ljungberg, Bergkamp, etc were shy either.

I just named legends of the club.

Sometimes you turned the other cheek because of what they could do on the pitch.

It’s okay though, the current crop …. get along …. don’t win anything but ……. they get along.

No need to add World Class players ……wouldn’t want to upset a happy group who don’t win anything but as long as they are all …. getting along….

Dan Smith

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