Arteta caution

I don’t believe their is a referees conspiracy, but there is definitely a bias against Arsenal

(Photo by GLYN KIRK/AFP via Getty Images)

Arsenal, as we all know this season, have been on the end of some really controversial refereeing decisions, most of it has been as a result of perceived ill-discipline by our players from the referees which led to the three red cards we’ve suffered.

This is understandable, given we’ve not done ourselves any favors pertaining to our discipline. However what’s hard to grasp is the inconsistency in these decisions when other players from other clubs commit the same offenses.

These double standards has led to some sections of our fan base believing in a conspiracy against the Gunners by the PGMOL: “If not then how can you explain Howard Webb seemingly influencing the Saliba red card in the Bournemouth”? A gooner asked on social media but I, for one, think that there’s no secret meetings being held within the walls of the PGMOL planning to sabotage the Gunners.

BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND – OCTOBER 19: Match Referee, Robert Jones shows a yellow card to William Saliba of Arsenal (Photo by Michael Steele/Getty Images)

However I still think that there’s some bias from referees when making those sort of calls against the Gunners. The main reason for this are the growing complaints of Arsenal’s use of the ‘Dark arts’ that started towards the end of last season. These complaints have a way of staying in the heads of officials, which will lead to more stricter officiating on incidents involving the Gunners. This is to clamp down on our supposed antics, however this has led to them implementing the law to the letter which has affected us immensely when looking at the sending offs this season.

This is still plainly unfair considering they haven’t done the same against other clubs this season, however It shouldn’t be the only reason we blame for missing out on the League. So therefore we have to improve our discipline to avoid forcing them to making decisions they’ll be inclined to give against us ninety-nine per cent of the time!!

Would you agree with this take gooners?



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Tags referees conspiracy


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  1. The legendary Frenchman once said, If he die he would first ask God the where about of the referees before choosing between heven and Hell

    1. But I bet he still agreed with them every time a decision went in Arsenal’s favour – regardless of whether it was right or wrong. “Bad” decisions are invariably always “good” in those circumstances.

  2. Its the hard truth and having Howard web at the helm of the affairs makes it more glaring that something is really going on behind camera.
    We are watching them and the entire football loving fans are doing same

  3. I’m surprised that JA are resurrecting this story. It must be a slow news day.

    My guess is that if you go to any website for any leading team, you’ll see exactly the same type of comments. I assume that some Gooners are a touch “rattled” by recent performances (as they should be) and so the bias – and probably later on, full-on conspiracy standbys are being dusted down, ready for use should things get worse.

    If the “dark arts”, whatever they are in reality, (it’s a pretty daft term really), are illegal then who can complain? If they are not then they are, presumably, not “dark arts”.

    I’m more concerned about the reality (as opposed to the speculation) of the cards Arsenal is picking up for obvious – and largely needless – offences recently. White has been booked in each of the last two games for those – one for pointless time wasting, the other for an unnecessary, off-ball, foul. Nothing very artistic – light or dark – about that.

    1. The “dark arts” bit is nonsense anyway – a large part of Arsenal’s slowness is around set-pieces, but as everyone knows last season they scored more than anyone else from these.

      It is tactics, not “dark arts”.

      1. Anthony,

        I totally agree with you. These so called dark arts have been used by all teams one way or another season after season.

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like some of the things that go on, whether it be my team or the opposition.

        But to suggest that it’s some new found phenonium found by Arsenal is at best laughable.

  4. All this conspiracy and bias rubbish.

    If Arsenal have to rely on the officials to win games, then they’ve really got a problem.

    All teams get decisions both for and against, yes some more than others sometimes.

    But all the fans that use it as an excuse, get real. The real problem is that your team were not good enough on the day, end of.

    But unfortunately it suits certain fans to think this was, thus not having a go at the team which is what they should be doing.

    1. “The real problem is that your team were not good enough on the day, end of.”
      I do agree with your points, but have to say for this sentence specifically, like all top level sports, it’s often a game of fine margins, so decisions can definitely sway things at times, and it can be more meaningful than us simply not being good enough. If there genuinely was a bias against arsenal from the refs, it would be unfair and worth talking about – why should one team have to play a tougher game than the others?
      Importantly, I don’t think anyone’s demonstrated that bias really exists – it’s too large an exercise to go through all decisions made by all refs, and too open to interpretation and bias from the people who might conduct such an exercise. Currently, people cherry pick decisions (often by different refs in completely different situations, and often interpreted in a biased manner) and use them to justify their preheld beliefs.

  5. There is no big conspiracy from PGMOL/FA, but many referees dislike us, and that goes back to the Wenger days, not just from last season. And the way the system is rigged today, a referee can affect a game if he want, the one on the pitch or the ones in the VAR-room. They are humans with feelings (football fans as well), and they can easily try to decide a game if they wish to. No one will hold them accountable and there is absoloutely a bias, but I think some other teams suffer from that as well.

  6. I think there can be elements of bias but who is to say that the cause of it isn’t occasionally self inflicted?

    It’s annoying that White dithers when taking a throw in. Arguing with the ref can also mean a card is given- if not immediately but later on.

    Speaking as an Arteta luvvy, perhaps he should have learned to not rile officials. Referees have long memories

    The word is consistency. No point complaining about incompetence and inconsistency in other matches. Referees must be consistent within the match they are officiating in.

  7. A few ‘ right on’ ,virtue signalling,PGMOL apologists on here,that’s for sure.Lets not go overboard with the very easy to make ,snide,remarks with regards to ‘ conspiracy theorists’ which are few & far between. And address the issue of WHY Arsenal are reffed differently from other clubs?( possible exception being wolves)Theres enough of examples to verify that.
    The only logical explanation can be what’s commonly known as “ Unconcious Bias”.

  8. You have not explained WHY? there is in you unfounded opinion that there is a bias against Arsenal. Why would there be? Who gains from it? And why just Arsenal? Who organises this bias?

    1. That’s a simple question to answer Reggie.
      Go to the Wenger /Ferguson era and you’ll remember how Arsene continually questioned the tactics that Alex used to influence the officials
      “Fergie time” was never challenged, along with the incredible state that not one penalty was given against manure at Old Trafford in over 100 games (I believe).
      Watch Riley “referring game where the Neville brothers were allowed to kick Reyes from pillar to post with no consequences whatsoever.
      That’s where” who gains from it ” is answered and fans from other clubs will always talk about Fergie time and bias.
      Secondly the PGMOL have always had a northern set of officials within it’s ranks – why?
      Are there not any capable referees South of Watford Gap?
      Fast forward to today and Mikel Arteta – he was also ready to call out the biased actions of referees like Mr Oliver and the PGMOL don’t like being questioned, that’s why they answer only to themselves and retiring referees have to sign a non disclosure form before they get their golden handshake.

      1. It isn’t that simple ken because you haven’t answered it. The article is trying to make out, its only Arsenal. You and he haven’t answered Why and what is the gain for these people for it. The Reyes game was awful, i agree but it was one game. Yes utd went years without conceding a penalty at home but there was no VAR and you got away with more then. I am on about now, not then. Plus then, we still won leagues, with this so called bias. What about looking to home and addressing our obvious failings. We have had more red cards under Arteta than any other team in the league. Lets not hide behind this Bias BS and bury our heads in the sand to what really is going on at our own club. We are THE most naive team, in the league at times. That is a massive problem.

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