“I’m glad there’s interest in me.” Jakub Kiwior breaks silence over his future

Jakub Kiwior has broken his silence as several Italian clubs express interest in securing his signature. The Polish centre-back has spent a year at Arsenal since joining them from Spezia at the start of last year.

However, he continues to face limited playing time at the Emirates and is eager for more opportunities. Being behind several more established centre-backs at Arsenal, leaving the Emirates could potentially be a solution to his lack of game time.

Despite his desire for a move, the Gunners have insisted that he is not available for sale or a loan move, emphasising their need for defensive cover in the second half of the term.

Kiwior has now addressed the interest from clubs like Napoli and AC Milan in securing his signature.

Kiwior said, as quoted by Sport Witness:

“It’s definitely nice and I’m glad there’s interest in me. But I focus on what is now. Besides, there have been no talks with me yet.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

Kiwior may not start every game for us, but he is certainly not a player we can lose this month.

He is an important cover for the team in this crucial second half of the season.

Kiwior will be tempted to leave, but he also would want to finish the term in London and decide on his future in the summer.

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