Jack Wilshere praises the BHF after his daughter’s open heart surgery “Our Heart Warrior”

The ex-Arsenal prodigy Jack Wilshere has often been open about the mental impact of so many injuries robbing him of his powers. It took the midfielder a while to come to terms with the reality that others had accepted, his mind was willing, his body was not. At 32 the Gunner was forced to stop doing something he loved.

Yet that wasn’t the worse thing to happen to him in 2022. Playing in Denmark, the player would get a phone call that puts retiring into perspective, where he would be prepared to go through a hundred more painful surgeries if he could change the news he was about to hear, a conversation that made kicking a football trivial.

He was told by his wife that their five-year-old daughter had been diagnosed with sinus venosus atrial septal defect – a hole in the heart.

Mr Wilshere has been praised for his own resilience both in his mind and physically for making a coaching career post-retirement, but that’s nothing compared to the courage his little girl Siena has displayed …. his ‘Heart Warrior’.

Jack said: “We call her our heart warrior. The bravery and strength she’s shown has been incredible, and we are just so proud of her.

“We’re supporting the British Heart Foundation because without lifesaving research keeping children’s hearts beating, we might not have Siena here with us today.

“There’s so many warriors out there, hopefully we can give parents support and get more research into it and try to make a difference, both into parents lives and children.”

You see there’s love and there’s unconditional love.

Graduation from the Academy, signing your first professional contract, Man of the Match on European nights, lifting trophies, representing your country …. that’s love.

Unconditional love is hurting because another person is suffering, taking a bullet if it meant saving that person, swapping places in a heartbeat.

A relationship of father and child is one of the bonds that can create unconditional love.

Jack had prepared the thoughts that his child might die in February.

Walking your baby into ICU praying they stay safe …. suddenly sport is irrelevant. Watching your flesh and blood connected to wires suddenly making your own treatments a blessing.

Little Sienna battling 5 hours of Heart Surgery means the Wilshere family no longer cared as much if, when, dad could play football again.

This was a young healthy family who live a life of luxury. Yet in one moment, their lives were turned upside down. Suddenly wealth, lifestyle, professions, were an afterthought. Life is what matters.

Super Jack and his wife Andriani are now ambassadors for the British Heart Foundation.

They are well qualified to spread awareness regarding heart defects, and I am more than happy to use this platform to help spread that awareness.

They noticed their young toddler get breathless at parties or having coughing fits after exercise.

They were told by GP’s that Sienna had asthma and it was actually a doctor while on holiday in Cyprus who recommended they see a cardiologist after detecting a heart murmur.

“We never thought it would be as serious as it was,said Jack, “After exercise, we noticed Siena would always have a coughing fit. We were told this could be exercise-induced asthma and other than regular colds and chest infections, there were no other signs.

“I was at work preparing to travel with the squad when I got the call from Andriani to explain that Siena had a serious heart condition and would need surgery. I remember just breaking down, thinking where do we go from here.

“My mind was racing to the worst-case scenario – the first thing that came to my mind was that we might lose her.”

In the UK, around 13 babies a day are born with congenital heart disease. Because of research, 8 out of 10 of those babies survive into adulthood.

Mrs Wilshere says: “We didn’t know anything about congenital heart conditions and never thought our daughter would ever require open heart surgery. Turning to the BHF made us feel less alone and gave us the answers and support we needed.’

When people ask who’s our Gunner of the Season. On behalf of JustArsenal……..

We give the award to little Sienna. Arsenal’s Heart Warrior.


Tags BHF Jack Wilshere


  1. God is great. It is good the little one is well now and health. Wish her and the family the best.

  2. The prospect of your own child becoming seriously ill and needing life saving surgery puts everything that has gone before into perspective. What a brave little girl and for Jack and his wife, a happy ending and the chance to connect with other parents and be involved in the BHF.

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