Kai Havertz has reveals the role he sees for himself with club and country

Kai Havertz has been playing as a false nine at Arsenal, and he has just had a brilliant season in that position.

However, it remains unclear if this is his preferred or permanent role on the team.

One of the reasons Arsenal fans were not initially excited when their club added him to their squad is because no one knew his best role.

However, Mikel Arteta has found a place for him in his team, and Havertz has thrived so far.

The German is now being tipped to perform well for his country at Euro 2024, but he has played in several roles for Germany and was even deployed as a left-back a few months ago.

This leaves many unanswered questions about his best position, and Havertz has now revealed his preferred spot.

He said, as quoted by by TZ

“I clearly see myself as a number 9 in the national team – and that’s what I am now at Arsenal.

“But I don’t mean the classic nine. Where else are they available? Even Erling Haaland or Harry Kane, who you immediately think of, don’t just stand in the box and wait for the finish. The players who are waiting there no longer exist in modern football.

“I am someone who enjoys letting go and making deep runs. But it is also clear to me that I will be measured by goals.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

Mikel Arteta has found a way to make Havertz a brilliant player and the German is thriving as our striker.

It remains unclear if we will sign a new player for that role, however, he is currently doing well for us there.


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