Marcus Rashford should be Arsenal’s ‘Mbappe signing’ to complete our unrivalled strike force

Kolasinac battling Manchester United's Marcus Rashford this season.

Marcus Rashford. Arsenal’s Mbappe? by Ben

We have seen recently talk of Arteta meeting with Kylian Mbappe. Now, whilst I recognize his prodigious talent for scoring goals for the dominant team in a not very competitive league, I have grave concerns over his personality and the simply ridiculous financial drain upon whichever team signs him. Fortunately, that won’t be Arsenal!

However, whilst ‘missing out’ on Mbappe will no doubt have some corners of the Arsenal faithful decrying a ‘lack of ambition’ from the Kroenkes, Edu, Arteta, and whomever else can be blamed, even contemplating signing the Frenchman would present a ‘heads-gone’ moment from our manager and one I am confident he is unlikely to entertain.

That said, what of the rumours that he is planning a bid for Marcus Rashford? To these rumours I say ‘HELL YES!’. Arteta should not even be giving this a second thought. If there is even a glimmer of hope of signing Rashford we should be putting every effort into making it happen. He is an awesome footballer and the closest thing England has to Mbappe.

Signing Rashford for the LW role, retaining Kai Havertz as the focal point of the attack, along with Bukayo Saka on the Right Wing would give Arsenal an attack to rival any in Europe. It could allow Martinelli to move inside to a striker role or for Trossard to interchange with Havertz, with Jesus covering for Saka on the RW. This will give us strong alternative attacking options for each position.

Marcus Rashford should be our number 1 target this summer. He is a top class finisher, has lightning pace, and without the pressure of being MU’s scapegoat could be allowed to flourish in this enterprising young team just as Kai has done. It could lead to a wonderful combination of this season’s defensive stability and the free-flowing attacking football of the 22/23 season.

I, for one, am excited for the future of this team. With the addition of Rashford, a new LB and a reliable midfield partner for Declan Rice who knows what this team can achieve.

Ben Dungate


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Tags Marcus Rashford


  1. So you are concerned by Mbappe’s character…. But Rashford running off and drinking his head off during the season, well that is just fine..
    Your bias sir is palpable.

    1. Wouldn’t you if you were in his position? I’m not saying his temperament is fantastic, or necessarily even better than Mbappe but I don’t think he is a lost cause and worth the risk in my opinion.

  2. Fortunately?
    If you woke up tomorrow with news that Mbappe had signed for Arsenal you be buzzing

    1. No I wouldn’t! Maybe if he didn’t come with a wage bill of 5 good players but he does, so no thank you.

        1. Actually, we are actually GOOD enough to say no. Don’t want big egos ruining our humble, passionate and loyal young players. I’m glad if Arsenal said no to such figures who think they are bigger than the clubs they play for. I call such players Mercenaries, who are hired for a task, paid a shit load of money, and they lack allegiance. As a short-term fix, it might work, but not if the goal is to build a sustainable club that wants to compete in topflight competitions, consistently.

            1. Have you considered what Daulat was trying to get across Dan? Nobody doubts his talent, but you have to consider the whole package. Mbappe would be a great addition on the pitch but a nightmare behind the scenes. I’m not saying that is the case, but if he has a massive ego this may de-stabilise the dressing room or undermine the manager. We’ve already had that issue a few years ago and at present I’m not getting the feeling that vibe exists

              1. This is what I can’t understand SueP. We’ve seen what egotistic players have previously done to the club, and now Dan would like the club to sign another one 😞. He also wanted the club another egotistic player in Ronaldo 🙄

                  1. Mbappe in virtually a one club league lol. A couple of seasons ago he had a strop on the pitch, throwing his arms up and stopped running because the ball wasn’t passed to him. If he would’ve kept running, he would’ve had a tap in, as the ball was crossed, but he wasn’t there.

                    Ronaldo, fair enough before he went back to Man Utd, but he won nothing on his return there, and even refused to go on as a sub in one game. Instead he walked off to the changing room.

                    1. A one club league where he’s won title with two clubs and a World Cup ?

                      So where’s the evidence that his attitude stops his team from winning ?

                    2. Not sure if you missed it, but I did write the word “virtually” when describing the French League.

                      Nothing to say about his tantrum that I described ?

                  1. I would say the club would care.

                    Victory Through Harmony.

                    History, Class, Tradition.

                    Ring any bells ?

                    1. Yeah .. winning trophies
                      Ring any bells?
                      A world class player can only help
                      Good enough for Real Madrid?

                    2. Yep, seen us win many trophies, including a European one without prima donna players 😁

                1. Dan
                  You are completely missing the point
                  Neither HD or I have suggested that Mbappe isn’t a superb player. He is.

                  PSG are a massively funded club that has previously signed the best the world has to offer but has yet to win the CL even with their combined talents.

                  I think a move to Real Madrid is just about the only club he could sign for. They can pay him the earth, the club is about as big as it gets and the fans are fanatical. They also win trophies with amazing regularity.

                  I’m not trying to diminish our club but having a single player that has that much power would unbalance the dressing room. Arteta – as good as he is becoming – does not have the body of success that CA has at Real

                  1. But Sue
                    I have failed to see an example where his attitude has stopped him winning things ?
                    The last World Cup Final he was class on and off the pitch

            1. Mbappe 287 goals in 380
              Havertz 92 in 340

              To say you rather have Havertz will stay with me forever

              1. “He can play there” Jesus can play. What about choosing the right player? Plus, Mbappe has been playing for the dominant team in an awful league and has categorically stated he does NOT like playing upfront as a lone striker and when asked to play there his performance and stats drop off.

                Havertz isn’t a striker either. He played midfield for Bayer Leverkusen and then forced to play upfront on his own for an awful Chelsea team. I think his stats for Arsenal when he was consistently used as a False 9 are the only stats worth considering, otherwise you are being disingenuous.

                In any case, Mbappe is NEVER going to join Arsenal, so this is an entirely wasted conversation

    1. I’d also be happy if we signed Marcus Thuram. Very happy in fact. So happy I wish I had mentioned it in the article.

  3. We should pass on this deal.

    He is the poster child for inconsistency on the pitch, and his antics off the pitch are a huge distraction.

    Also, why help bail out Utd? Why give them the money to reinvest and improve?

    Rushford is a short term band-aid, an expensive bench player who transfer fee and salary are not worth the occasional matches where he decides to show up.

  4. Personally I think he is a Fantastic player in the mould of an Henry type of player .
    Unfortunately is stock as come down on the back of Man Utd’s campaign ,but the previous season he was on fire .
    At 26 I think he is worth a 50 million pound punt .

  5. Rather have ANY of these EPL
    wingers than MR…


    . Pretty much ANYBODY but
    Rushford. 🤣

  6. Rashford could be fantastic signing or a disastrous one given how bipolar he is in terms of performance. He is one of best game changer no doubt about that and we do need one when faced with those mid-block teams who we have struggled against this season.

    But is he worth the transfer fee and huge wages he will most likely command? what about his attitude and work rate? I wouldn’t want to be in Arteta’s shoes for this decision. He could continue the same player or freed from the pressure of Man u and with a 100x more hardworking team around him to mask his deficiencies be a title winning signing.

  7. I would be thrilled if we got Mbappe.
    Not sure about Rashford. Could be a good signing or bad signing. I know you can say that about most players but I think there are other forwards that are a better risk

  8. It’s the silly season again, surprised we’re not linked to Jude Bellingham yet! Can’t wait for the season to start, mind you the Euros could be interesting.

    1. There will be fans who will say we wont take him.
      Lack of humbleness in our fanbase astounds me
      You can see why we get banter

        1. In their talent though ?
          This isn’t a popularity contest lol
          Thierry Henry liked a sulk

          Id rather a player who sulks but wins us trophies then someone who is popular and wins nothing

          1. Dan
            Would you say that David Beckham left Utd because Ferguson felt that his lifestyle/profile was bigger than the club? That other PSG players as well as Mbappe had profiles that were bigger than the club? Ozil had delusions of grandeur when he took it upon himself to offer to pay one of Arsenal’s employees. Look how that ended

            It’s about creating a team. You use the word humble a lot in your writing. I don’t see massive egos at Arsenal right now. Would Mbappe be humble enough to fit in with how the club is being run?

            1. SueP, I thought Ozil’s offer to pay for our mascot was a perfectly good thing to do, especially as he was being frozen out by the club for other reasons than football.
              This talk about Mbappe is ridiculous, as the player has already stated where he is going – RM.
              Why would we consider Rashford, when he’s also stated he wants to stay at manure?
              I guess it’s because it’s the silly summer window season again and there’s no football to talk about.

              1. I have to disagree on Ozil – as you would have expected. You didn’t find it odd that he didn’t offer to help out the other employees who also faced redundancy ( I presume with the legal payments that they would have been entitled to)? Ken1945,we both saw the Ozil situation through different eyes and it’s true to say that we still do

                1. Not really SueP, as the mascot was a visible thing on match dsys that the young fans adored.
                  The other unfortunate people were backroom staff who, supposedly, had their jobs protected by the other players pay cuts.
                  As Ozil didn’t contribute to that, he offered to pay the mascots salary.

                  1. Ken 1945
                    My understanding of the situation was that Gunnersaurus was a member of the office staff and got in his suit on match days because he enjoyed doing it. Not only that he was old enough to be collecting his state pension.

            2. No one said Beckham had a bad attitude though ?

              Again look at what what Ozl won in his career ?
              And while we paid him to sit at home we finished 8th so not sure that worked out

              Would Mbappe improve our chances of being champions ?
              In a heartbeat
              Like I said happy to get any amount he scores more then Kai HavertZ

          2. At it again, Dan? Having pointless conversations about players that are never going to join in order to make yourself feel superior.

            1. Just responding to article mate

              I don’t think saying Mbappe makes Arsenal better is being superior
              You ask most fans they would be like ….yeah he’s better then Arsenal lol.

          3. Who said it was a popularity contest 🙄.

            I’d rather win trophies with players that respected the club and the fans than someone that’s in it for themselves.

              1. The end of your first sentence is an oxymoron 🙄

                Virtually all the players at PSG win trophies…

                1. Didn’t he win the title at Monaco and the World Cup ? Lol
                  Struggling to find examples where this perceived poor attitude has stopped him winning trophies

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