Seaman tells Arsenal the spot they need to strengthen in their squad

David Seaman has sent a message to Arsenal ahead of next season, urging them to bolster a specific part of their squad.

Arsenal’s team is inching closer to winning a major honour and could have been league champions in each of the last two campaigns. However, they fell short, but even neutrals know they will soon replace Manchester City as the top club in England.

This could happen next term, but they need to seriously strengthen their squad. Seaman has pinpointed one area that needs reinforcement to help them achieve their goal.

He said, as quoted by The Sun:

“I still feel Arsenal need to prioritise a striker, and any midfield signings would depend on if Thomas Partey stays or goes. If he stays, then I don’t think midfield is a priority.

“I’d also possibly look for a back-up for [Bukayo] Saka and more depth at centre-half. None of it is urgent, though.

“Arsenal don’t need a lot of new signings, just one or two in key positions.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

Our team is almost complete, but Seaman is right we need a new attacker to add to the goals we have had so far.

If we had 20 more goals from an attacker in the last campaign, we could have won more points and also more games.

That could easily have helped us to become the champions of England again or at least to win a trophy.


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