Video: Arsenal fans can do much better than AFTV example

Arsenal Fan TV have let themselves down once again, for the example shownto Arsenal fans this evening. They were filmed CHEERING at the possible devastating injury picked up by XChelsea’s Christian Pulisic today, after he had put Chelsea ahead.

While our fans can be forgiven for being happy with seeing one of our rival’s best players taken off the pitch, actually celebrating what could possibly be a long-term injury to a professional player is quite disheartening.

AFTV quickly became a face of our club, and is regularly viewed by Arsenal fans and rivals alike, and after recently removing a mainstay of the platform after his ‘DVD’ vibe at Tottenham’s Son, you would think they would try and tread a little more carefully.

While today was a very emotional day with huge highs and lows, celebrating a potential injury is shameful on any level, and I really wish I could have stuck to more positive notes on such a day.

Could AFTV be any further from Arsenal fans’ thinking than it is? Would a proper Arsenal or football fan actually celebrate such a thing?
