Well done to Arsenal for finally cracking down on touts and season ticket cheats at last

I have just been reading in the news today, that Arsenal as the club are being morte active in trying to sort out the demands for tickets.

The media is reporting that 24 season tickets were cancelled due to not being used with regards to the criteria of match attendances.

They have also tightened up said criteria for the coming season, by informing holders that only three of the twenty three matches covered can be missed – four or more and the s/t will be taken away.

The club is also tightening up on the illegal selling of tickets by touts and season ticket holders.

They have disqualified 20,000 members and 54 season ticket holders for attempting to obtain or sell tickets in a unauthorised way. Also in the coming season, the Gunners will continue to increase their investment in anti-touting measures. This includes developing greater online protection and dedicating more internal sources to take action against the problem.

Finally, they have recognised that many members, reported to be around the three hundred mark, who applied for twenty or more tickets in the ballot system were unsuccessful.

They have decided to invite the said three hundred or so members, to purchase a ticket from a select number of game tickets before Christmas.

Now, I see all of the above as positive moves by the club, to try and cut down on the ticket touts, season ticket holders who try and make money by selling their tickets for a profit, trying to ensure that every seat is taken and acknowledging that the ballot system is not the final solution.

Congratulations to the club for trying to make the system more foolproof.



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